L.A. Fires, Astrological Shifts, and Inner Transformation: The Pisces-Virgo Nodes Begin

Reporter’s Notebook

Recent astrology & journalism news. Cuz it all goes together.

Image via IG @chris_papaleo
Image via IG @chris_papaleo

Basics of the Pisces/Virgo Nodal Axis 

January 11, 2025 – July 26, 2026 Pisces North Node, Virgo South Node (ending Aries North Node, Libra South Node)

“Our state of being is the priority” – Pam Gregory in her YouTube post on this nodal shift.

Selfishness is so out. Caring about ourselves AND others is in. (Remember what we learned from the Aries/Libra nodes we are leaving?) Balance. Remember, we are the other. I am you. You are me. It’s all one.

It’s the health axis. It’s the axis of service. Compassion and Discernment.

Pisces is linked to creativity, media, unity, water. That is all waters and uses of it. Water is mercy. Water is our basis. Pisces is linked to mercy and unconditional love. (We currently have Saturn in Pisces helping us learn about boundaries with love.)

Virgo is healing and health, discernment (the positive side of judgment lol), communication and commerce (it’s ruled by mercury after all), seeing, details, digestion.

Natural medicine is the medicine. (That “alternative” medicine patriarchy capitalist bs is over red rover send natural is it back over.)

Health. Flow. Creativity. Love. Unity. Water. Support. Mercy. Kindness. Intuition. Remember, love is a verb.

The following news flows from this nodal insight, that will been play for the next 18 months. Get into it. Be all about the best of both signs, and curbing the negative aspects.

Octavia Butler told us, tried to warn us, literally wrote books to guide us. As the Full Moon in Cancer lingers (she was a Cancer), let’s learn from this guiding light. We too can use our intuition and heart for the betterment of all. #believeblackwomen

Octavia Butler’s wisdom. We must learn from her foresight and adapt to the challenges of today.
Octavia Butler’s wisdom. We must learn from her foresight and adapt to the challenges of today.

Reflections on Jimmy Carter’s Legacy

Jimmy Carter’s funeral at this moment is just wow. A man known for selfless leadership, sacrificing PR and perception to save people’s lives, a man mocked for weakness when he displayed love instead of dumb shows of force. A man who did so much for people and humanitarian efforts that he saved millions of lives, more than any other president: he ended an illness that affected millions, Guinea worm. He built houses with his own hands ‘til like 5 minutes before dying at 100!

In his gentle voice with that southern lilt and sincere smile, he reminded us all that love and mercy is always a choice and the right one you will never regret. As a double Libra, his love shown through. His Scorpio moon making that love unyielding and loyal. His Leo Stellium, including a Leo North Node, showing he did fulfill that heart-led leadership assignment from the Cosmos. He was an example of how to live lead by love and our contract with each soul.

Will we listen?

Jimmy Carter would say, “You had two obligations: to love God and love the person in front of you.” Rep. Nikema Williams on CNN speaking about Carter

President Jimmy Carter. Leading the way with that Libra Scorpio steadfast, enduring love.
President Jimmy Carter. Leading the way with that Libra Scorpio steadfast, enduring love.

Pluto in Aquarius: It’s All About the People

Pluto in Aquarius means it’s all about the people (I mean, it always was, but you know, patriarchy, white supremacy hate, and people not battling their darker desires means it’s something humanity doesn’t always do. Pluto in Aquarius is to change that.)

All this fire, as horrible as it is, is showing how people are banding together to help. Sadly, we are seeing how our government is failing its citizens and how much we need to change those systems. Government, after all, is people deciding to act a certain way. IT can always be altered – indeed, that was said by its founders specifically in case of system failures. Uh, Houston?

The center is not holding, but then it wasn’t the plan from the start, right? A country founded on placating horrible practices and social structure of elitism was not built to last. America just finished its Pluto return, that means that it’s time to fix everything that’s a problem. Luckily, we are seeing the problem is not a lack of people wanting to take care of each other. The stories of survivors being helped by strangers – and we aren’t talking hero firefighters either, ‘cause that’s just how they do all the time – shows that we have the stuff to be together in unity and love always. We just have to take that and reflect it in our structures.

Easy peasy lol. But I mean, it could be. So I’m gonna put it out there because as a Sag, in addition to being beacons of truth and fun af, we are great at manifesting and miracle making so let’s use it here 🙂

Firefighters doing heroism despite cutbacks and limits, focusing on the task at hand – to save each other – reminds us we have the stuff. And Chief Crowley speaking out for better support financially, speaking truth to those in power that deny it is the example we need. (Of course, it’s a woman doing this, ooof.) We just have to channel resources where it’s needed and not allow terrible middlemen to continue to be in the way. (Middlemen being a chief horrible outcome of Capricorn-gone-awry.)

Pluto in Aquarius is doing its thing as we speak, exposing corruption and inequality but mostly galvanizing people together, its other awesome trait. Think global, act local is in effect! Just have to keep it going after because greed, the me me me mentality, and people worried about “their stuff” will return. The bad traits of human nature are something we all contend with and so have to inspire each other to listen to our better angels. That’s what we have to abate, so we can set up the society we all want. We can do it, better changes have happened in society, it’s just time for some great leaps and bounds.

No more acquiescing to racist/sexist/separatist mentality. The fires come for us all. We all need the water.

Aquarius reminds us we rise and fall together. That's the magic. It's time.
Aquarius reminds us we rise and fall together. That’s the magic. It’s time.

Attn: Illuminating News and People With Ideas We Can Use!

Speaking on MSNBC, a firewoman said,
“It’s a new normal, but we are using old normal budgets, strategies, and plans.”

“In 1974 when I started, a 12,000-acre fire was huge, now it’s normal.”
Both Sides of the Fire Line, Bobbie Scopa, a longtime firefighter.

This woman was everything! Sadly, what she said has NOT been picked up by MSNBC as a main talking point and question for other guests, so I’m repeating it here.

Everyone should have her on, and people with practical ideas, as this should be the basis for change in the fire department and water department and all the departments – as well as government policies. Los Angeles’ population has ballooned. It’s been depleted in ways it wasn’t when these Chinatown policies were done. Major revamps needed. And also limits.

The Kardashians and everyone buying more water to feed their lawns has gotsta go. Money cannot buy our new planet. Just no. American exceptionalism that can buy anything has got to go.

If you drill holes in our boat, we all sink.

Once again, in France, the ruling class ended and had limits imposed after many died from their cruel and selfish ways in the revolution. Let’s not have that. Let’s make these clearly obvious needed changes with love and mercy for all (yes, even the bad ones that made the issues. We gotta give people a way back.)

“We have built our world for a climate that does not exist.” Jeff Goodell, on MSNBC, who wrote the book The Heat Will Kill You.

And no lol, Caruso was not the answer, as so many monied types – even “Democrats” – are claiming. Ooof. Your privilege and lack of care are showing. (And yes, showing care when it’s convenient for you and your financial interests is not it.)

The brill joke by Neal Brennan comes to mind, “How Liberal Are You” lol. That would be a good game show.

Wise woman I found during the L.A. Fires @iamlorenp. She was brilliantly rebutting claims Billionaire Rick Caruso would've been a better mayor for the fires.
This wise woman I found during the L.A. fires @iamlorenp was about to say some version of hells no. She was brilliantly rebutting claims Billionaire Rick Caruso would’ve been a better mayor for the fires.

Water is Private? The Water Crisis Issue and Riche Water/Nut Couple

We have a water crisis, been had one, as they say, and it’s past time to deal with it. Parts of California and Arizona have been sold off to corporations and other (desert) countries for them to use our desert for water production. It’s. A. Problem.

“Trying to explain water politics in California is almost impossible. It goes back generations. And this tiny smelt is part of it.” – CNN

“Getting to the water thing, it’s an entire southwest thing.” – CNN

Ownership of water has been exposed as the privatized crime it has devolved into – with government the ones that approved it all. Remember, when we say government or name some corporation, that is people. People did this – and people will undo it. Some excellent points were made on CNN about the water issue over the past week, and privatization. Sadly, though, it was not followed up on. (Ooof, if only news producers listened and then used and responded to the good intel from wise people on air, we could advance the conversations and have better results. Novel concept, huh?!)

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? - King James Bible
For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? – King James Bible

Don’t let’s be base. The issues of pipes and having enough water and pressure to deal with the fires are not a Bass or a Newsom-started problem. But it does fall on them to actively lead immediate change now as they are in charge. It falls on all citizens – ESPECIALLY MONIED ONES – to realize this means they will have to make sacrifices. Those to whom much is given, much is expected and all. However, judging from day one of the fires and that woman Kare- I mean, whatever her name was, who was in the midst of her grief, actually screamingly whining “I paid for it, where is the water,” like it was a restaurant order, ooof, the issues we have with the monied class are strong. People think money entitles them to jump ahead of the line, and demand. Lady, we all pay for things. We all deserve water. She was grieving, I know, but something tells me this is how she deals with things, as do so many of the monied class of privilege, particularly European-Americans.

‘Privatized water’ is, obviously, a capitalist joke. I’m curious where these private fire departments get their water? Because no matter how or where, it comes back to a shared resource. All ways and always. Energy required to clean and transport water is shared, as is the actual water. Putting it in a bottle doesn’t actually mean it’s not everyone’s lol.

These capitalist dudes got everyone spun, but thankfully the spell is broke.

It's the hogging like pre-French Revolution for me. Oooof.
It’s the hogging like France pre-French Revolution for me. Oooof.

“This is mine” or “this person over there” means I don’t have to care, or “this border here” means it’s not my problem. Human decency – now employed by the universe via Pluto in Aquarius – says nope. Also, eeew. Caring is the most attractive and useful quality.

What France and Germany and Finland and other countries with universal healthcare and higher standards of food safety, street safety, and useful public parks (with nice toilets! That smell like trees and flowers!) show, is their monied classes know they are equal in ways to the taxi driver or guy at the local grocery store. Not so in America. Historically, this upper-class view of superiority led to off with their heads, and lots of wars, so please, folks with money, get it together. More Luigis is not what ANYONE wants, but when people have nothing and are abused, they are forced to do extreme things. Cruelty yields its own fruit. But, we don’t have to get there.

Finally, a woman on TV, several women I’ve seen, all in Palisades Fires, saying this “shouldn’t” have happened, with a point that they are certain someone is to blame. Like they should be immune from horror because it’s just not right. Lol. Meanwhile, ignoring that living is dangerous and definitely fatal and will have fury along the way. The lack of accountability is always staggering, how people do backflips and cause harm to others rather than looking at their own decisions. NOT saying people deserved this, at all, hello, but…not thinking that living in a place that is a fire zone danger meant this could happen? Not thinking that no matter if all fire trucks had been working, and more staff at full, that mother nature was going to have her way?! Which all say, those winds were NOT stoppable that first night. Planes could not go up as much as needed. This “out for blood” take and wrath spewing is a huge problem. Deciding to live in a place known for deadly earthquakes at any time, and fires that erupt all the time and more and more, the lack of realizing this was a horrible act of nature that hit them is just so European-American.

Joan Didion with that D5 observant brilliance.
We love libraries chiming in with that Joan Didion D5 observant brilliance.

This idea that I can buy and have what I want and be immune from horrible things if they just earn enough…like no. Sadly it doesn’t work that way. People die. Things burn. Acts of God/nature happen. This could not be more clear than in this fire. This take that hubris means they can avoid what this life brings is just so dangerous and unhealthy. I know it’s not surprising in a culture that is not taught how to handle emotional pain and loss, death, and painful circumstances. That too has to change. Sadly, fires are natural. As the indigenous know, and lived with and worked with – we have to as well.

Writing this from Arizona where construction is booming without the environment as first priority is alarming: it’s not using sustainable materials and practices, nor keeping in mind the climate and future issues that will happen ‘cause life.

If people didn’t want development in the Palisades this wouldn’t have happened. Choosing to live is dangerous. But always looking for a person to blame rather than looking at oneself and that part in what happened is just boring and not useful. WE all failed to pay attention to laws and policies and what could happen. Otherwise, the Fire Department would be better funded and cops reigned in, women would have control of their bodies as indisputable law, we’d have 911 for humane response rather than crime, etc.

Again, I know people are hurting. And I also know that going for blood of other people hurting, whether it be Bass and Newsom, who again need to step up and change, is not it. We are not taught to deal with disappointment and pain, this is all the effect. We have to do better for each other and ourselves.

Because the truth is that no one wants to face is the horrible decisions to close fire stations etc., overbuild in fire areas, not use fireproof building practices as mandatory, etc., are symptoms of our greater American cultural issues of exceptionalism and capitalist patriarchy.

It’s been a beast that needs to stop being fed and hasn’t. Maybe we can put that fire out now?

The brilliant humor and unfuqwithableness is the vibe for these times.
The brilliant humor and unfuqwithableness is the vibe for these times. So too is declining invites where the assholianness is too high.

Wants to know. Has some questions. Very Sag. Always up for pizza. Planning several trips. Big fan of joy. Wants to talk about it. All of them. Is sure we can figure out this whole living thing. Is rooting for you.

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