Unlock the Hidden Mysteries of Paris: A Comprehensive Guide to the City’s Esoteric and Historical Treasures

This excerpt is from our Guide to Paris 44+ Spiritual Sites you can find in The Store.

Are you ready to explore the enigmatic side of Paris? Welcome to Paris Revealed, your ultimate guide to uncovering the city’s most fascinating and lesser-known sights. Whether you’re intrigued by Paris’s deep history, its esoteric secrets, or its mystical connections, this guide has you covered.

Let’s get spiritual…

Discover the Hidden Gems of Paris

Paris is not just a city of romance and art; it’s a place steeped in history and mystery. From its origins as Lutèce to its current status as a global cultural capital, Paris has been home to some of the most brilliant minds in history. Marie Curie, Rosa Bonheur, Marie de Medici and many others have left their mark here. But beyond the well-trodden tourist paths lies a world of the esoteric, the magical, and the mysterious.

Explore Esoteric Paris

  1. The Louvre’s Hidden Symbols: While the Louvre is famous for its art collections, it also houses alchemical symbols and historical artifacts. The Cour Carrée features intriguing alchemical sculptures, including the rooster and ouroboros, which hint at deeper mysteries. You know, the ones we want to know more about 😉
  2. The Pavilion de l’Horloge: This historical site, with its ties to Isis and Osiris, reflects Paris’s ancient connections to Egyptian mythology. Did you know Paris was once known as Parisis, linked to the goddess Isis? (We love name origin stories.)
  3. Catherine de Medici’s Colonne Medicis: Built in 1574 for Queen Catherine de Medici, this structure was used for star-gazing and mystical practices. It is now part of the Bourse de Commerce, a historic site and museum owned by Mr. Salma Hayek.
  4. Marie de Medici: This powerful queen, who had a complex legacy (being a super murderous, ambitious woman wasn’t well-regarded back then lol), played a significant role in shaping Paris. Her influence is still evident in the city’s landmarks.

Uncover Spiritual and Supernatural Paris

Paris’s rich history includes countless spiritual sites. Many churches in Paris were built upon ancient pagan sites, reflecting a broader pattern of cultural and spiritual evolution (or something malevolent cuz humans.) The city’s spiritual landscape is as rich as its historical one, making it a unique destination for those interested in the mystical and the supernatural and spiritual.

Your Journey Awaits

Paris is a city of endless discovery. From mystical sites to historical marvels, there’s always something new to learn and explore. As you dive into the hidden aspects of Paris, remember to share your discoveries and experiences.

Follow us @thediamondisyou on IG and tag us in your photos. Send us your tips and favorite tours and sites!

Here’s to exploring the unseen and unlocking the mysteries of Paris!

Bisous, mes kumquats


Wants to know. Has some questions. Very Sag. Always up for pizza. Planning several trips. Big fan of joy. Wants to talk about it. All of them. Is sure we can figure out this whole living thing. Is rooting for you.