Capricorn Season: What We’re Missing About the Time, Money, Business, and Discipline Sign
“Time is money.” – Benjamin Franklin, a Capricorn
Ah, Saturn—the planet of karma, responsibility, and that slow, inevitable time-passing energy. Often spoken of as its symbolized hard-working mountain goat, Capricorn is all about climbing to the top, working methodically, and achieving long-term goals. It will build. Get it done. Figure it out. Make it work. And it will be paid lol. Franklin’s famous quote sums up this earth sign perfectly as they are all about “show me the money.” They will put in the time.
But there is so much more to this sign. And this image from The Book of Hours, with the spiral shape, points to it.
Capricorn Season = Legacy. What Is Yours?
Capricorn is an earth sign that embodies masculine energy, fatherhood, patriarchy, rules, responsibility, structure, business, and building. It’s about longevity and going the distance. Slow and steady wins the race. This season challenges us to reflect on how we are building our own legacies—what we are creating and why we are doing it.
Capricorn rules over physical parts, including teeth, bones, joints, and knees—showing us how important it is to build strong foundations that last.
Why Capricorn Is the Most Misunderstood Sign
While Capricorn is often seen as cold, detached, and materialistic (yes, it’s about the Benjamins and they are not known for warmth lol), this sign is often misunderstood. Capricorn is not just about wealth and discipline; it’s also about growth and long-term vision. When Capricorns align with their higher purpose and consciousness, they become unstoppable forces for good.
As the Kabbalists teach, when a Capricorn is spiritually awakened, it becomes the ultimate for good. After all, more resources, wealth, and success can mean more good in the world. A spiritual Capricorn can use their power to create better working conditions, raise wages, and make products that benefit humanity and are made with the planet in mind – that’s legacy and long term thinking that serves. If you’re calling the shots as the boss, you get to set policy and make things better for everyone working there, and benefiting from the product, right? You can ensure great wages and working conditions, and make sure what’s produced is ethical and universally good. That’s some kind of win-win, right? Imagine that!
But there’s a catch: Capricorn’s natural tendency toward greed, stubbornness, and pessimism can cause some serious issues if they lose sight of the bigger picture. In this Capricorn season, we’re asked to check our motivations—are we building only for personal gain, or for the benefit of everyone around us? Our answer will have long term effects for us and others so choose wisely.
“The Two Most Powerful Warriors Are Patience and Time” – Leo Tolstoy
Time: The Father Figure
Capricorn’s ruler, Saturn, is known as Father Time—an archetype that emphasizes the importance of structure, discipline, and long-term commitment. Saturn’s energy can be heavy, but it also teaches us that time waits for no one. Time flies, heals all wounds, and eventually catches up with us.
‘Father Time’, anyone? Saturn shows us that issues of time are big (also the father/masculine/patriarchy aspect of Saturn of course, which resonate with this form of time). Cronos was the God of Time in Greek mythology and he even killed his own children to prevent them from overthrowing him. You get what I’m saying—that’s some dark Succession energy and power and control obsession. And so yeah, to be clear, that’s what we are working on not doing, lol. That’s the legacy we don’t want, amirite?
So yes as we are talking about men here, it’s also about the masculine energy that’s in all of us. Let’s not be so myopic.
Saturn is the ultimate taskmaster, reminding us that success takes patience and planning and diligence. The danger comes when we become so obsessed with time and legacy that we forget to nurture human connections. We must ask ourselves: What kind of legacy are we building, and who are we building it for?
“By Saturn again they denoted that being who maintains the course and revolution of seasons and periods of time, et deity actually so designated in Greek, for Saturn’s Greek name is Kronos, which is the same as chronos, a space of time. The Latin designation ‘Saturn’ on the other hand is due to the fact that he is ‘saturated’ or ‘satiated with years’ (anni); the fable is that he was in the habit of devouring his sons — meaning that Time devours the ages and gorges himself insatiably with the years that are past. Saturn was bound by Jove in order that Time’s courses might not be unlimited, and that Jove might fetter him by the bonds of the stars. But Jupiter himself — the name means ‘the helping father,’ whom with a change of inflexion we style Jove, from iuvare ‘to help’; the poets call him ‘father of gods and men,’ and our ancestors entitled him ‘best and greatest,’ putting the title ‘best,’ that is most beneficent, before that of ‘greatest,’ because universal beneficence is greater, or at least more lovable, than the possession of great wealth —” Source, Cicero, De Natura Decorum
A Misunderstood Sign: The Magical Sea Goat
Here is how they are misunderstood: It’s the sea goat! They are magical. Mythical! Spiritual. Powerful. They are not human! They get ish done and are the builders because they do so in an other-wordly way. They have access to the physical and can master it with seeming ease; sacrifice and hard work to them are just like breathing. See, seagoat lol.
Capricorn is symbolized by the sea goat, a mythical creature that’s part land-goat and part fish. This representation speaks to Capricorn’s ability to navigate both the physical world (with all its material pursuits) and the spiritual realm (with deep, often hidden wisdom). They indeed can surf it all and so can we, accessing the unknown to build in our physical world.
Capricorns are natural builders, but they do it in a way that seems almost otherworldly. Their work ethic is legendary, and they approach their tasks with the discipline of a master. Yet, their humility and lack of desire for recognition sets them apart. They don’t do it for the rewards—they’re satisfied by the process of creation itself. They enjoy the work, the process, the rules and regulations. They see the value and relish it. Let’s tap into that!
But here’s the catch: Capricorns do seek earthly success, but what they really desire is a sense of purpose beyond material wealth. They crave a connection to the infinite, the timeless. While building and creating is part of that connection, it’s also about humanity and inner connection. A true spiritual Capricorn can build a legacy that serves the greater good—something that will benefit not only themselves but everyone around them.
Once you climb a mountain, there is always another one. For capricorns though, they are so firmly present that it takes care of the future. A beautiful mediation on the power of presence and work and how it creates the future.
Capricorn’s Spiritual Path: Creating with Purpose
We’ve just emerged from Pluto’s transit through Capricorn, which has shown us the dangers of greed and selfishness. Many of the world’s wealthiest and most powerful figures have shown us the negative side of Capricorn energy—self-serving leaders who prioritize personal gain over the collective good. We don’t want that legacy. This month, we are called to build a different world—a world where our success benefits everyone.
As this is the first Capricorn season after Pluto, the planet of rebirth, destruction and the soul, has left the sign, we can build with the wisdom we have learned from these past 18ish years.
It’s time to ask yourself: How can I help others as I climb my own mountain? Capricorn teaches us that no one does it alone. Look around at those who are walking alongside you on your journey. How can you support them? How can you use your power and resources to help those who are less fortunate? How do we work with each other to build, rather than use each other for our own ends?
The Light of Hanukkah: A Symbol of Miracles
This month begins with the light of Hanukkah, a holiday of miracles. The final few days of Hanukkah begin this month, showing that miracles are at the seed of the month. the combination of building and miracles makes for a good recipe. Hanukkah is a powerful time for reflection, reminding us that miracles happen when we align with a strong purpose.
Despite the heaviness of Capricorn energy (I mean I can’t lie it is lol), this month also holds great potential for growth, progress, and making our dreams reality.
Capricorn’s energy can feel weighty, but its benefits are long-lasting. When Capricorn is aligned with its higher purpose, it creates structures that are built to last. That’s the kind of legacy we can strive for and access this month.
Notable Spiritual Capricorns Who Got It Right
A spiritual Capricorn is someone who builds not just for themselves, but for the greater good. Here are a few notable Capricorn figures who have done just that:
- Martin Luther King Jr.
- Muhammad Ali
- Dolly Parton
- Greta Thunberg
- Joan of Arc
- Madam C.J. Walker
- Lorenzo de’ Medici
- LeBron James
- Haruki Murakami
- Johannes Kepler
- Isaac Newton
- Patti Smith
These figures exemplify Capricorn’s power to build, create, discover, and inspire, all while considering the collective good.
Capricorn’s Dark Side: Lessons from History
Unfortunately, Capricorn’s shadow side can also manifest in dangerous and dark ways. Figures like Mao Zedong, Richard Nixon, Kim Jong-Un, and Jeff Bezos have used their Capricorn energy for personal gain, harming others, and fostering a world of lack, divisiveness, and hatred, showing us the dark side of power and leadership. But remember—darkness can always transform into light. It serves us to allow those who have done the worst a way back. Isn’t that the kind of world we want to build?
If we go sideways we get: Al Capone, J. Edgar Hoover, Pope Gregory XIII (we’ll get back to him in an upcoming article on time/calendars), Benedict Arnold, Hermann Goering, Richard II, King John, Juan Carlos I, Rush Limbaugh, Jeff Sessions, Ted Cruz. I know, right? Such light and such dark. (And, as always, remember that the dark can always change to the light so for those alive on this list – or who know they would be – you can always change!)
This month, let’s focus on the light. Let’s build with intention, unity, and compassion. Let’s reflect on our legacies in terms of service, not just personal achievement. (This service theme is reinforced with the Pisces-Virgo Nodes starting, referred to as the “Nodes of Service”.)
What We Can Learn from Capricorn Season
Capricorn season calls us to examine how we are building our lives and legacies. We are reminded that success is not just about material wealth, but about the greater good. A spiritual Capricorn uses their gifts to create lasting change, to serve humanity, and to leave behind a legacy that benefits everyone.
This month, take time to reflect on your own motivations and goals. Are you building something that will stand the test of time? Are you considering how your work impacts others? Capricorn season invites us to reflect on these questions and build a future where we all thrive.